Tuesday Dec 05, 2023

How Vistage Members Manage the Time Commitment

One of the most common reasons I hear for not joining Vistage is, "I can't make the time." It's a great observation, because time is our most precious asset. And it's non-renewable. We all have the same number of hours each week: 168. The key question is how we spend the time we have. Vistage members don't join because they're looking for something to do. In fact, they are among the most productive leaders anywhere. As a colleague of mine is fond of saying, "Vistage doesn't take time, it nets time." How? By putting a stop to doing other people's jobs, by practicing how to delegate effectively, by getting home earlier, and by devoting more time to the most important relationships in their lives. In this podcast you'll hear how they manage the time commitment.

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